Here is a brief description of our training course offerings...
(click on the name of training course for more details)
Radiographic Film
Interpretation Training
This 16 hour course provides basic knowledge into how to
effectively interpret radiographs of weldments. Emphasis is
placed on the radiographic image quality requirements of codes and
specifications. The course is practical in nature, utilizes
classroom, participation and allows for hands on application in the
review of radiographic film.
Radiography Training
This 40 hour course includes basic radiography techniques
including set up, film, screens, cassettes, radiation detection
equipment, geometric exposure conditions, IQIs, exposure techniques
using X-ray and isotope equipment, film processing and evaluation.
Ultrasonic Training
This 40 hour course includes
straight beam, shear wave, focused L-waves for carbon steels and austenitic
materials. Discussed are principles of ultrasonic waves, sound
velocities, probes, couplants, calibration blocks, calibrations, scanning
and code requirements for ASME Section V, VIII and AWS D1.1.
Digital UT Thickness Training
This 8 hour course includes the
principles of digital thickness measuring, sound velocities, probes,
couplants, calibration blocks, calibrations and actual measuring of many
samples and various materials.
Magnetic Particle Training
This 24 hour course includes yoke,
prods, central conductor, coil and direct magnetization for both wet and dry
particles, and visible and fluorescent viewing methods.
Liquid Penetrant Training
This 16 hour course includes solvent, water washable and
fluorescent penetrants and visible and fluorescent viewing methods.
Visual Inspection and
Examination Training
This 24 hour course includes principles of direct and
remote inspection. Also included are the use of visual tools,
welding processes, steel making, welding symbols, codes and standards,
illumination, corrosion and inspection of valves.
Leak Testing Training
This 24 hour course includes both pressure and vacuum
methods of bubble testing, halogen leak testing, absolute pressure and
helium mass spectrometer testing.
Basic Understanding of
Manufacturing Processes Training
This 8 hour course provides knowledge of the typical types
of inherent, primary and service discontinuities that may be found by
nondestructive testing within steels. This includes
discontinuities found in the forging, casting and welding processes.